The ‘Virtue’ of Rising Early

According to the underlaying laws of culture that flow unnoticed but faithfully passed down generation to generation in America, I can tell how virtuous you are as a person by what time your alarm clock is set. It is a strange but foregone conclusion that the early you rise, the better person you are. It... Continue Reading →

Introvert Evangelism

It’s hard for an introvert to listen to an evangelical sermon. Though the pastor is doubtless just trying to encourage his people, so often I feel discouraged, guilty, shamed, and sad after listening to a full hour of exhortation on the wonders and duties of evangelism. Your average evangelism encouragement sermon usually hits the following... Continue Reading →

The Virtue of Selfishness

There are those who believe the Church today is perfect. Maybe they are in a great church with people they know well, people they’ve known their entire life. Maybe their church is like their family. Those people are the lucky few, and this article is not for them. For most of us, the experience of... Continue Reading →

Introvert Style Church

As any introvert knows, today’s church experience is painful. (If you are unclear about what an introvert is, check out this excellent article in the Huffington Post by John Welrick). Churches are getting bigger and bigger, and louder and louder. In some churches the amps are turned up so loud during ‘worship’ singing that they... Continue Reading →

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